Men 1500m Freestyle Swimming XVII Olympic Games 1960 Rome, Italy - Saturday, 3rd September - Gold Medal: John Konrads, Astralia
Final time gap L Y 1. John Konrads Australia17:19.6 OR 3 18 2. Murray Rose Australia17:21.7 +2.1s 4 21 3. George Breen United States17:30.6 +11.0s 1 25 4. Tsuyoshi Yamanaka Japan17:34.7 +15.1s 5 21 5. Jozsef Katona Hungary17:43.7 +24.1s 6 18 6. Murray McLachlan South Africa17:44.9 +25.3s 8 19 7. Alan Somers United States18:02.8 +43.2s 2 19 8. Richard Campion Great Britain18:22.7 +1:03.1 7 19
World Record: John Konrads, Australia 17:11.0 Sydney, Australia 27th February 1960 Olympic Record: George Breen, United States 17:52.9 Melbourne, Australia 5 December 1956
Murray Rose had won the gold medal in this event in Australia but the world record in 1960 was held by his countryman John Konrads, who had recorded 17:11.0 in Sydney in February. Also considered challengers were American George Breen, who in Melbourne had set a world record in the prelims before winning a bronze medal, and Japan's Tsuyoshi Yamanaka, silver medalist from Melbourne. Konrads led the Rome final throughout, although Breen stayed with him for the first 1,000 metres. Rose got relatively close near the end for the silver medal, with Breen hanging on for a second consecutive bronze in the event.
Heats - Friday, 2nd September 09:05Best 8 times advanced to Final.
Heat 5 time gap L Y Rk 1. Murray Rose Australia17:32.8 OR 4 21 1. 2. Bana Sailani Philippines18:18.8 +46.0s 3 22 10. 3. Gennady Androsov Soviet Union18:39.0 +1:06.2 5 21 16. 4. Hans-Ulrich Durst Switzerland19:21.9 +1:49.1 7 21 24. 5. Eduardo Jose Sousa Portugal19:40.1 +2:07.3 2 16 25. -. Bengt-Olov Almstedt SwedenDNS 6 18 -.
Heat 4 time gap L Y Rk 1. John Konrads Australia17:52.0 +19.2s 4 18 3. 2. Jozsef Katona Hungary17:53.5 +20.7s 5 18 4. 3. Richard Campion Great Britain17:54.8 +22.0s 6 19 6. 4. Hans-Ullrich Millow UT Germany18:22.7 +49.9s 3 18 12. 5. Mauricio Ocampo Mexico18:29.0 +56.2s 7 19 13. 6. Zakaria Nasution Indonesia19:18.6 +1:45.8 2 16 22. -. Amiram Trauber IsraelDNS - 21 -.
Heat 3 time gap L Y Rk 1. George Breen United States17:55.9 +23.1s 4 25 7. 2. Lars-Erik Bengtsson Sweden18:19.7 +46.9s 3 18 11. 3. Veljko Rogusic Yugoslavia18:51.8 +1:19.0 5 19 18. 4. Miguel Torres Spain19:21.8 +1:49.0 7 14 23. 4. Massimo Rosi Italy19:52.9 +2:20.1 6 16 26. 5. Andras Bodnar Hungary20:22.2 +2:49.4 2 18 27. -. Robert Chenaux Puerto RicoDNS 2 16 -.
Heat 2 time gap L Y Rk 1. Alan Somers United States17:54.1 +21.3s 4 19 5. 2. Murray McLachlan South Africa18:09.9 +37.1s 3 19 8. 3. Masami Nakabo Japan18:30.4 +57.6s 5 19 14. 4. Robert Sreenan Great Britain18:57.1 +1:24.3 6 26 19. 5. Maung Ni Tin Burma19:09.8 +1:37.0 1 22 20. 6. Slobodan Kicovic Yugoslavia20:29.0 +2:56.2 2 19 29. -. Alberto Feocorao VenezuelaDNS - _ -.
Heat 1 time gap L Y Rk 1. Tsuyoshi Yamanaka Japan17:46.5 OR +13.7s 4 21 2. 2. Aubrey Burer South Africa18:17.8 +45.0s 2 21 9. 3. Gerhard Hetz UT Germany18:32.2 +59.4s 5 18 15. 4. Ilkka Suvanto Finland18:41.1 +1:08.3 3 17 17. 5. Alfredo Guzman Mexico19:11.1 +1:38.3 7 17 21. 6. Paolo Galletti Italy20:28.2 +2:55.4 6 23 28. 7. Rainer Goltzsche Switzerland20:45.1 +3:12.3 1 23 30.
Final time gap L Y Rk 1. John Konrads Australia17:19.6 OR 3 18 1. 2. Murray Rose Australia17:21.7 +2.1s 4 21 2. 3. George Breen United States17:30.6 +11.0s 1 25 3. 4. Tsuyoshi Yamanaka Japan17:34.7 +15.1s 5 21 4. 5. Jozsef Katona Hungary17:43.7 +24.1s 6 18 5. 6. Murray McLachlan South Africa17:44.9 +25.3s 8 19 6. 7. Alan Somers United States18:02.8 +43.2s 2 19 7. 8. Richard Campion Great Britain18:22.7 +1:03.1 7 19 8. Heats time gap L Y Rk 1. Murray Rose Australia17:32.8 OR 4 21 1. 1. Tsuyoshi Yamanaka Japan17:46.5 OR +13.7s 4 21 2. 1. John Konrads Australia17:52.0 +19.2s 4 18 3. 2. Jozsef Katona Hungary17:53.5 +20.7s 5 18 4. 1. Alan Somers United States17:54.1 +21.3s 4 19 5. 3. Richard Campion Great Britain17:54.8 +22.0s 6 19 6. 1. George Breen United States17:55.9 +23.1s 4 25 7. 2. Murray McLachlan South Africa18:09.9 +37.1s 3 19 8. 2. Aubrey Burer South Africa18:17.8 +45.0s 2 21 9. 2. Bana Sailani Philippines18:18.8 +46.0s 3 22 10. 2. Lars-Erik Bengtsson Sweden18:19.7 +46.9s 3 18 11. 4. Hans-Ullrich Millow UT Germany18:22.7 +49.9s 3 18 12. 5. Mauricio Ocampo Mexico18:29.0 +56.2s 7 19 13. 3. Masami Nakabo Japan18:30.4 +57.6s 5 19 14. 3. Gerhard Hetz UT Germany18:32.2 +59.4s 5 18 15. 3. Gennady Androsov Soviet Union18:39.0 +1:06.2 5 21 16. 4. Ilkka Suvanto Finland18:41.1 +1:08.3 3 17 17. 3. Veljko Rogusic Yugoslavia18:51.8 +1:19.0 5 19 18. 4. Robert Sreenan Great Britain18:57.1 +1:24.3 6 26 19. 5. Maung Ni Tin Burma19:09.8 +1:37.0 1 22 20. 5. Alfredo Guzman Mexico19:11.1 +1:38.3 7 17 21. 6. Zakaria Nasution Indonesia19:18.6 +1:45.8 2 16 22. 4. Miguel Torres Spain19:21.8 +1:49.0 7 14 23. 4. Hans-Ulrich Durst Switzerland19:21.9 +1:49.1 7 21 24. 5. Eduardo Jose Sousa Portugal19:40.1 +2:07.3 2 16 25. 4. Massimo Rosi Italy19:52.9 +2:20.1 6 16 26. 5. Andras Bodnar Hungary20:22.2 +2:49.4 2 18 27. 6. Paolo Galletti Italy20:28.2 +2:55.4 6 23 28. 6. Slobodan Kicovic Yugoslavia20:29.0 +2:56.2 2 19 29. 7. Rainer Goltzsche Switzerland20:45.1 +3:12.3 1 23 30. -. Bengt-Olov Almstedt SwedenDNS 6 18 -. -. Robert Chenaux Puerto RicoDNS 2 16 -. -. Alberto Feocorao VenezuelaDNS - _ -. -. Amiram Trauber IsraelDNS - 21 -.
Prepared and maintained by Todor Krastev
Last updated: 17 Apr 2023Facebook Todor Krastev