Venue: Grand Palais Éphémère in Champ de Mars.
Final - Saturday, 10th August 19:30 Match Wrestler 1 score Wrestler 2 Geno Petriashvili Georgia 10-9 Amir Hossein Zare Iran VPO1 3-1
Match Wrestler 1 score Wrestler 2 Aiaal Lazarev Kyrgyzstan 5F-0 Amarveer Dhesi Canada VFA 5-0 Taha Akgul Turkey 7-0 Aiaal Lazarev Kyrgyzstan VPO 3-0 Robert Baran Poland 3-0 Oleksandr Khotsianivskyi Ukraine VPO 3-0 Giorgi Meshvildishvili Azerbaijan 9-3 Robert Baran Poland VPO1 3-1
Match Wrestler 1 score Wrestler 2 Amir Hossein Zare Iran 2-1 Taha Akgul Turkey VPO1 3-1 Geno Petriashvili Georgia 7-0 Giorgi Meshvildishvili Azerbaijan VPO 3-0
Match Wrestler 1 score Wrestler 2 Amir Hossein Zare Iran 10-0 Amarveer Dhesi Canada VSU 4-0 Taha Akgul Turkey 8-0 Daniel Ligeti Hungary VPO 3-0 Giorgi Meshvildishvili Azerbaijan 12-2 Lkhagvagerel Munkhtur Mongolia VSU1 4-1 Geno Petriashvili Georgia 9-2 Robert Baran Poland VPO1 3-1
Match Wrestler 1 score Wrestler 2 Amir Hossein Zare Iran 5-0 Aiaal Lazarev Kyrgyzstan VPO 3-0 Amarveer Dhesi Canada 2-1 Zhiwei Deng China VPO1 3-1 Daniel Ligeti Hungary 11-0 Ashton Adeyemi Mutuwa Nigeria VSU 4-0 Taha Akgul Turkey 10-0 Jonovan Darius Smith Puerto Rico VSU 4-0 Lkhagvagerel Munkhtur Mongolia 10-5 Mason Mark Parris United States VPO1 3-1 Giorgi Meshvildishvili Azerbaijan 4-0 Diaaeldin Abdelmottaleb Egypt VPO 3-0 Robert Baran Poland 4-1 Yusup Batirmurzaev Kazakhstan VPO1 3-1 Geno Petriashvili Georgia 11-0 Oleksandr Khotsianivskyi Ukraine VSU 4-0
Final Ranking CP VF VS TP TPg Sd to 1. Geno Petriashvili Georgia13 0 1 37 11 2. Gold 2. Amir Hossein Zare Iran11 0 1 26 11 1. Final 3. Taha Akgul Turkey11 0 1 26 2 4. 1/2 R1 3. Giorgi Meshvildishvili Azerbaijan10 0 1 25 12 6. 1/2 R2 5. Aiaal Lazarev Kyrgyzstan5 1 0 5 12 9. 1/8 2R1 5. Robert Baran Poland8 0 0 12 19 7. 1/4 2R2 ------------------- 7. Daniel Ligeti Hungary4 0 1 11 8 5. 1/4 8. Lkhagvagerel Munkhtur Mongolia4 0 0 12 17 13. 1/4 9. Amarveer Dhesi Canada3 0 0 2 16 10. 1/4 1R1 10.Mason Mark Parris United States1 0 0 5 10 3. 1/8 11.Zhiwei Deng China1 0 0 1 2 8. 1/8 12.Yusup Batirmurzaev Kazakhstan1 0 0 1 4 15. 1/8 13.Diaaeldin Abdelmottaleb Egypt0 0 0 0 4 14. 1/8 14.Jonovan Darius Smith Puerto Rico0 0 0 0 10 12. 1/8 15.Ashton Adeyemi Mutuwa Nigeria0 0 0 0 11 11. 1/8 16.Oleksandr Khotsianivskyi Ukraine0 0 0 0 14 16. 1/8 1R2
CP - Classification points VF - Victory by Fall. VS - Victory by technical superiority. TP - Technical points obtained. TPg - Technical points given.
The classification points determine the rank of wrestlers from seventh place. In case of a tie, ties will be broken using the following criteria: 1. The most victories by "fall" 2. The most match wins by superiority 3. The most technical points scored in the whole competition 4. The fewest technical points given in the whole competition 5. The lowest seed number (if applicable) 6. The lowest draw number
Prepared and maintained by Todor Krastev
Last updated: 16 Sep 2024Facebook Todor Krastev