Final played at New Kingsmead, Durban. Embassy Cup. | date | Winner __________ | score | Finalist _________ | HT | Sun 27.10.73 | Cape Town City | 1-0 | Durban United | 1-0 | 1-0 Gary Francis 1T Referee: Wally Turner. | Cape Town: Donnelly, Guliver, Morrison, Anderson, Gie, Scott, Hunter, Forrest, Allan, France, Pereira, Yard. | Durban United: Coppola, Mulheron, Williams, McKinnon, Kitchin, Tovey, Harman, Dawkins, Farrell, Filby, Mann. | Curious Goal. The ball went out to the left where Ken Scott miscued his shot and it wnet across, instead into, the United's goal. Bill Willians, the centre-half, had time to clear it but in response to a call from his goalkeeper Mino Copolla let it go. The ball then hit the keeper's foot and bounced into the air for little Gary France to leap up and nod it home. |
date | team 1 | score | team 2 | HT | --- --.0-.73 | Cape Town City | 1-0 | Highlands Park | | 1-0 Forrest | --- --.0-.73 | Durban United | 2-0 | Hellenic | | 1-0 Filby 2-0 OG |
date | team 1 __________ | score | team 2 __________ | HT | --- --.0-.73 | Cape Town City | 6-2 | Arcadia Shepherds | |   Pereira 3, McKinney, Yard, Anderson --- Dresner , Lapot | --- --.0-.73 | Highlands Park | 1-0 | Rangers | | 1-0 OG | --- --.0-.73 | Hellenic | 5-0 | Shamrocks | |  De Bruin 2, Gayer,  OG | --- --.0-.73 | Durban United | 2-1 | Durban Celtic | | Kichin, Mann --- Roberts |
date | team 1 | score | team 2 | HT | --- --.0-.73 | Shamrocks | 2-0 | Boksburg | | --- --.0-.73 | Hellenic | 3-1 | Jewish Guild | |   Huson 3 --- Delacour | --- --.0-.73 | Arcadia Shepherds | 1-0 | Maritzburg | | 1-0 Luis |
Prize Money | R7 000 - Winner | R4 000 - Runner-Up | R1 000 - Losing semis (2) | R2 250 - Loosing 1/4 and prelim | R2 250 - Temas Failing to qualify | R1 250 - Nat. Div II travel | R3 000 - Sponsored soccer personality | R3 250 - Administration |
Gate Monney | 42% - Finalists | 28% - Loosing semis (2) | 28% - Losing 1/4 | 2% - Administration |