Basketball Women Americas Championship 2015 - Statistics Argentina 75-51 US Virgin Islands

Argentina 75-51 US Virgin Islands

Day 3, Tuesday 11.08 15:15 Saville Community Sports Centre, Edmonton (CAN), Group B, Partial Scores: 17-12, 15-8, 25-17, 18-14
4. Macarena Rosset4161/10/12/21+23 41
5. Ornella Soledad Santana11245/7 1/21+12324
7. Diana Maria Cabrera 2 1
8. Andrea Luciana Boquete Manna2171/30/2 0+1111 2
9. Celia Noemi Fiorotto11115/6 1/11+233 2
10.Agostina Paola Burani4152/4 2+4611
11.Melisa Paola Gretter5211/21/1 0+2211
12.Sandra Carolina Pavon5201/21/4 1+2322
13.Debora Sabrina Gonzalez11242/32/51/30+11 11
17.Gisela Veronica Vega15267/12 1/34+3723
21.Sthefany Thomas6180/32/4 0+112 1
44.Victoria Llorente150/2 1/2 1
Pts - Scored Points ; min - played time ; 2pts - 2 points made/attemped ; 3pts - 3 points made/attemped ; FT - free throws made/attemped ;
Reb - Rebounds offensive + deffensive ; As Assists ; PF - Personal Faults ; TO - turnovers ; ST - Steals ; BS - Blocked Shots.
US Virgin IslandsPtsmin2pts3ptsFTRebAsPFTOStBS
4. Naya Marie J-Ephraim 5 0/1 0+11
5. Akia Akeba Frettt4172/60/1 1+0153
6. Natalie Nicole Day21396/130/19/125+9141242
7. Brittney Kevia Matthew9362/61/62/20+22 1
8. Lanese Sanay Bough2291/5 2+35422
9. Stacey Griffith 50/1 1+121
11.Yanique Monifa Javois7191/41/22/3 2 2
13.Quatica Quay Johnson 5 1
14.Victoria Marie Hamilton4371/80/12/21+12451
15.Aesha Nichelle Peters4102/4 1+011

Prepared and maintained by Todor Krastev
Last updated: 19 Aug 2015
Facebook Todor Krastev
