Men Basketball Americas Championship 2015 - Statistics Venezuela 73-52 Cuba
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Venezuela 73-52 Cuba

Partial Scores: 18-7, 21-14, 18-16, 16-15.
Day 1, Monday 31.08 12:00+5 UTC Palacio de los Deportes, Mexico City (MEX), Group B.
4. Miguel Angel Marriaga Herrera 160/40/1 1+2 3 1
5. Gregory Maxdier Vargas Diaz2101/20/1 0+311
6. John Cox6193/50/1 1+2 2 1
8. David Alejandro Cubillan Leon10162/20/26/81+22261
10.Jose Gregorio Vargas Diaz10134/6 2/40+112 1
11.Cesar Orlando Garcia Arocha6193/30/5 1+212111
12.Javinger Jose Vargas Hernandez7172/21/5 1+413121
14.Miguel David Ruiz Gonzalez3141/3 1/21+313
15.Windi Manuel Graterol Clemente3171/30/21/23+2 2112
19.Heissler Rafael Guillen Ecker14213/42/32/20+17 21
21.Dwight Alexis Lewis Padron4220/21/41/20+5 213
43.Nestor E. Colmenares Uzcategui8163/4 2/41+311 11
Pts - Scored Points ; min - played time ; 2pts - 2 points made/attemped ; 3pts - 3 points made/attemped ; FT - free throws made/attemped ;
Reb - Rebounds offensive + deffensive ; As Assists ; PF - Personal Faults ; TO - turnovers ; ST - Steals ; BS - Blocked Shots.
4. Karel Guzman Abreu4120/11/11/42+0 22
5. Osmel Oliva Garcia2220/60/12/20+53452
6. Javier Justiz Ferrer8194/14 0/32+4 22 2
7. Yaser Rodriguez Alfonso4192/20/1 0+12 1
9. Livan Vales Maza280/1 2/20+2212
10.William Granda Lewis4262/40/2 1+23221
11.Yuniskel Molina Rodriguez 190/40/1 0+21
12.Yoan Luis Haiti5240/31/12/40+3132 1
13.Esteban Yasmani MartInez Justiz2111/3 0+1 33
14.Orestes Torres Quiroz9172/71/12/32+51122
15.Jasiel Rivero Fernandez10224/9 2/35+2 41
16.Yoel Cubilla Rojas211/1 0+0

Prepared and maintained by Todor Krastev
Last updated: 23 Sep 2015
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