Men Basketball Americas Championship 2015 - Statistics Venezuela 79-78 Canada
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Venezuela 79-78 Canada

Partial Scores: 20-19, 18-18, 20-23, 21-18.
Day 12, Friday 11.09 18:00+5 UTC Palacio de los Deportes, Mexico City (MEX), Semi-Final. Virtual Olymoic Qualification.
4. Miguel Angel Marriaga Herrera 10/00/00/0
5. Gregory Maxdier Vargas Diaz9253/40/13/40+534111
6. John Cox14295/111/41/10+14121
8. David Alejandro Cubillan Leon1100/20/11/20+111
10.Jose Gregorio Vargas Diaz2231/40/40/02+0 3 2
11.Cesar Orlando Garcia Arocha 0/00/00/0
12.Javinger Jose Vargas Hernandez360/01/20/00+21 1
14.Miguel David Ruiz Gonzalez 70/00/00/02+1 31
15.Windi Manuel Graterol Clemente20304/63/53/41+423 11
19.Heissler Rafael Guillen Ecker19222/54/93/31+22113
21.Dwight Alexis Lewis Padron3160/41/10/0 1231
43.Nestor E. Colmenares Uzcategui8332/30/14/54+224121
Pts - Scored Points ; min - played time ; 2pts - 2 points made/attemped ; 3pts - 3 points made/attemped ; FT - free throws made/attemped ;
Reb - Rebounds offensive + deffensive ; As Assists ; PF - Personal Faults ; TO - turnovers ; ST - Steals ; BS - Blocked Shots.
4. Philip Alexander Scrubb3201/10/11/21+14 11
5. Cory Epham Joseph5211/60/23/31+24322
6. Melvin Obinna Ejim491/40/02/22+0 4
7. Andrew Fabian Nicholson9154/50/11/30+2
8. Andrew Christian Wiggins9263/91/20/01+1234
9. Nikolas Stauskas2151/10/20/01+01111
10.Anthony Bennett 160/20/00/02+3 21
11.Aaron Rene Doornekamp2141/10/00/00+3 1 1
12.Brady Thomas Heslip10243/31/51/20+11 12
13.Kelly Tyler Corness Olynyk34368/93/49/100+13246
14.Dwight Harlan Powell 40/00/00/00+1 1
15.Robert Sacre 0/00/00/0

Prepared and maintained by Todor Krastev
Last updated: 23 Sep 2015
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